Out of their love for music and visual storytelling, Wan Hazmer, Lead Game Designer of Final Fantasy XV, and Daim Dziauddin, Concept Artist of Street Fighter V set up a new game company in Malaysia called Metronomik back in December 2017.
We believe that music is under-utilized in game design. We know that everyone loves music, but not everyone can be a musician. We bring the harmony of music and video games to the masses, without turning them into a rhythm game. We want to prove this concept with our first PS4 and PC game, No Straight Roads.
In our games, we want to represent music in its entirety: its culture, its revolving creativity and its many stories. We also respect the medium; We tell these stories in a way that can be only told in video games. The metronome in our logo does not only represent our game concepts, but also the beat of life. We strongly believe in good working culture and ensure that our games are released on a regular basis. Our first game
"No Straight Roads" will be released early 2020.
Studio Highlights
January 10, 2023
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about our awesome games.
Fight the massive EDM empire as an indie rock band in our unique PC & PS4 action game! Directed by Wan Hazmer, lead game designer of Final Fantasy XV, and Daim Dziauddin, concept artist of Street Fighter V, No Straight Roads was made with the intention of elevating the role of audio in game design without turning it into a rhythm game, and using strong visuals to tell a story of music cultures and ideals.
We bring the harmony of music and video games to the masses, without turning them into a rhythm game. We do this by having the world follow the music within the context of a proper action game similar to Nier Automata, Kingdom Hearts and Devil May Cry; The only difference is that you have a huge advantage in this game if you understand the relationship between the boss attacks and the music.
Your music can change the world in No Straight Roads. You can transform certain props into weapons with the power of music. Your play will also bring changes into the music, as it shifts between rock and EDM in a seamless and dynamic manner.
We also want to represent music in its entirety: its culture, its creativity and its many stories. We also respect the medium; We tell these stories in a way that can be only told in video games. Less reliance on cutscenes and more on visual storytelling. The game is not just about rock versus EDM, but it’s also about the clash of ideals and different mindsets of why people play music.

Contact Us
Level 7, Vertical Corporate Tower B
Avenue 10, The Vertical
No. 8 Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South City
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia